Dom Mintoff wrote to Lennox-Boyd - May 24, 1958 (op.cit.)

"Without the help of local traitors he (Governor Sir Robert Laycock) would of course have been unable to set into motion your policy of crushing the Labour Movement. On this score, if the yardstick of your success were solely to be the number of arrests and sentences inflicted recently upon Labour men and women, Sir Robert Laycock might in all truthfulness report to you in commando style the brave words OPERATION TERROR WELL UNDER WAY.
"Unfortunately for us the complexities of modern existence are such that no person, however saintly or clever, can help unconsciously breaking some law at one time or another. If therefore those who immorally rule over us want to single us out as their victims because we kick too hard at their shins, sooner or later, they are bound to discover some legal pretext for putting us out of circulation....
"...Perhaps the most important factor contributing to the speedy coming into top gear of your terror machine has been the fear of the men in the police force of losing their jobs and facing starvation."

De Gray, acting unquestionably under direct orders of the Governor had terrorised even the members of the Police force into participating in the terror campaign against Labour party supportors.

Police who would not have anything to do with this treasonable act, feigning illness, were reporting sick 'en-masse'.

Here are some of the effects of De Gray's police barbarous attacks on unarmed citizens on April 28, 1958:


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