The Author



Emanuel C. Schembri

Artikli u kitbiet letterarji


Born in Siggiewi Malta 22nd November 1948 

Education: State Primary & Secondary Schools The Archbishop's Seminary Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology The Technical Institute University of Siena Deutsche Welle Training Centre (Koln) University of Malta 

Former radio and television script writer, journalist, producer and director. Newspaper journalist and article writer. Public Relations Secretary to two Presidents of the Republic of Malta 1982 - 1990. Speech writer to President Agatha Barbara 1982 - 1987. 

Widely travelled in Europe and the Far East. 

Former regular contributor of the General Workers Union daily, Malta News, l-Orizzont, and the Malta Labour Party official organ KULLHADD.  

Author of numerous unpublished short stories, novels, a play and poetry. Most of these literary works are in Maltese, some in English, a few in Italian. 

Founder of the Maltese Archaeological Society, Grupp Arkejologiku Malti,(1980); Set up the National Museum of Political History, for the Ministry of Culture and Welfare (1980); Originator of the Institute Children's Bank Book Fund (1987). 

Studied music in Malta and the U.K. Tutors included Mro Carmelo Pace. 

Unpublished musical Compositions are mostly for the pianoforte.  

Keenly interested in radio and electronics. Licenced Radio Amateur - call sign 9H4 S -- CB enthusiast, and computer addict since 1978.  

Other interests include graphic design, photography, computer design, the occult, listening to pop, rock, classical and operatic music, piano playing, geology, archaeology and home decorating, travel and car touring abroad.

Premio Italia (1990) for professional activity, Accademia Internazionale per l'Arte, Scienze, e Cultura, Rome.


Fejn hu l-lizar

Imfewwah u mlewwen,

li fi tfulitna nsigna?

Fejn gheb u nheba,

Id-dawl l' ghalina ntefa?

Fejn mar il-holm

safi u sbejjah,

li flimkien hlomna?

Fejn tar il-ferh ta' dari

fi qlubna mwahhda?

F'lizar ta' niket

minghajr ma ridna

hajjitna keffinna.

F'dija sewda 'l qlubna

Mifrudin ghawwimna.

Vojt u bahh mudlam

f'univers ta' tifkiriet

ta' mhabba darba mwiegba

u mbaghad, maz-zmien,

mibdula ghal kollox,

f'tamiet fiergha.


Lil Nadia

"X'inhu helu"

Staghgbet Nadia

Hekk kif rat

Lill-kelb mimdud.

"Se jigdimni"

Nadia ghajtet

Hekk kif hu

Xammilha l-but.




Bla ma rrid

Xi kultant nara

F'ghajn xi nies

Bhal leqq ta' xrara.

Li ma nafx

Li huma nsara

Zgur kont nahseb

Li ghalija

Ta' xi mhabba

Ghandhom hrara.



All literary works in these pages are original and are being published for the first time. None of the written material may be published in whole or in part without the express written permission by the Author. -- E.C. Schembri

Stejjer Qosra


In-Nannu Guzeppi

Inkwiet (silta)

Iz-Zija Karmena Grima





Ghar Lapsi ... my favourite oasis

Kitbieti (indici)

Pagna mahduma f'Marzu 1998 - l-ahhar tigdid: 6 t'April, 1998

Muzika: Elegija ghall-Boznia (silta)

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